Getting a Handle on Ethical PR
1. Candor:
truth with an attitude, right now!
2. Openness:
the willingness to talk, listen, converse, teach, explain.
3. Truthfulness:
unconditional honesty from the start.
4. Apology:
admission, explanation, lessons learned, forgiveness seeking, restitution, the moment they are needed.
5. Responsiveness:
answering every question, whatever the source; keep answering and re-answering questions until the questions stop.
6. Preemptiveness:
provide the questions people should be asking with answers before they need to ask.
7. Empathy:
actions speak louder than words, let the deeds do the talking.
8. Transparency:
do only what you want your mother to know about.
9. Engagement:
the most powerful communication always takes place face-to-face. The greatest decency is careful, engaged listening.
10. Correct and Clarify:
It’s YOUR destiny. Explain, describe, clarify, and correct promptly, or someone else will, and you won’t like it.
*Shibboleth, Jim’s Definition: practical information you can use today and tomorrow, and lasts a long time.